This applies to all images of Brandon's on the web
Brandon has the philosophy that art is meant to be seen and not hoarded. His licensing policies are designed to balance the costs that go into creating and sharing his images with the desire to provide inspiration through the images on the internet and around the world.
For use as creative commons, which allows one to share his images, attribution with the following text is required: "Photo by © Brandon Elijah Scott" and a link to is requested. Commercial use, which allows image use for any media for marketing or promotional purposes, requires approval expressly written by Brandon Elijah Scott. All commercial use of Brandon's images requires a licensing fee. Please contact Brandon directly to discuss usage of his photographs.
Copyright Statement
This copyright statement applies to all photography, work, art and images found on this website, and any other sites found to be hosting Brandon Elijah Scott’s images. Please read carefully before downloading, linking to, or printing copies for use.
© Copyright 1986-2024 Brandon Elijah Scott. All Rights Reserved.
The photographs contained on this, and any other hosted sites, created by Brandon Elijah Scott are the property of Brandon Elijah Scott and are protected by United States and International copyright laws. All copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in this site, are the property of Brandon Elijah Scott.
No permission, either express or implied, is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or printing of the photographs contained on, other than that which is related to the normal "caching" practices of web browsers and activities such as downloading solely for your personal enjoyment or under creative commons guidelines. No parties/individuals visiting or viewing images from, may otherwise copy, modify, publish, transmit, or distribute the contents of the photographs found herein. Express written permission must be granted, on behalf of the photographer (copyright holder, Brandon Elijah Scott), in order to use these photographs for any purpose that is not outlined above.
Your use of or viewing of this statement indicates your acceptance of these conditions.
The following is a list of conditions where I, Brandon Elijah Scott, give individuals permission to link to (or copy) images and other material at no charge:
• You may print a copy of any photograph for personal reference without further permission.
• Students are welcome to download images and incorporate them into school reports, presentations, etc. for free so long as proper credit/citation is given, without my further permission.
• Anyone can download images for the express use of displaying them on screen on any personal computer that is not being used for commercial or public viewing purposes.
The following conditions define Brandon's authorization for use of his images on the Web, free of charge, so long as proper attribution of copyright is given to Brandon Elijah Scott and include the web URL, in said attribution (see example below):
• You may make LINKS to the images on pages you maintain for yourself for personal, non-commercial use.
• If you are preparing FREE online site guides for other photographers, bloggers, and photograph forums, you may make use of these images, BUT ONLY IF YOU ATTRIBUTE THEM AS DESCRIBED ABOVE.
Examples of appropriate personal and creative commons use:
• Blog post describing a trip to Alaska or other relevant destination
• Online article discussing the growing popularity of HDR photography
• A website for a school project about the use of light in art
• An individual using an image as a desktop background on a personal computer monitor
“Commercial Use” regarding the use of images created by Brandon Elijah Scott online or offline is defined very broadly. The determination of commercial or non-commercial use is based on the contextual use of the image. The determination is NOT based on the tax-filing status of the entity using the image nor on whether or not a financial transaction takes place. Commercial use of Brandon Scott’s images is allowed only if expressly granted by Brandon Elijah Scott. All commercial uses will incur a licensing fee.
These fees are based on the following criteria:
• Media – print, web, television, etc.
• Distribution size – number of copies printed, viewing audience size, exposure (regional, national, international)
• Length of use – 1 year, 2 years, etc.
• Prominence of display – 1/4 page, 1/2 page, full page, spread, front cover, back cover, home page (online), interior page (online), etc.
Those persons who wish to use photography by Brandon Elijah Scott in a commercial fashion must receive written consent from Brandon Elijah Scott, prior to its commercial use. To obtain consent, interested parties should send an email to BrandonElijahScott @ In that email, the following should be addressed:
• Image(s) you would like to use
• Where they will be displayed
• How they will be displayed
• Intent of its display
• Duration of their public viewing
• Any other information you feel would be useful
Any commercial use of Brandon Elijah Scott’s photography without prior consent is a violation of United States and International copyright law.
Examples of commercial use include but are not limited to:
• A marketing campaign for a commercial entity
• A fund-raising campaign for a not-for profit entity
• A background image for a website about selling something
Attribution is the action of designating ownership for the creation of something like a piece of art. Proper attribution should be used in all cases of personal, creative commons or commercial use. The following represents an example of how proper attribution should read:
" Photo by © Brandon Elijah Scott / "
Additionally, this attribution should remain in immediate proximity to any use of Brandon Elijah Scott’s photography, as there should be no confusion about who created the work of art in question. For example, if you used Brandon’s photo in your class report, the attribution should show up directly below the photograph, and it must be readable by all audience members.
In attempts to maintain the integrity of the copyrighted photographs found on this site, several copyright protection methods have been utilized. Some of these tactics include, but are not limited to:
• Placement of watermarks
• Resizing of images
• Conversion of images to low resolution for web only use
If you would like to use a specific photograph with some of the copyright protection tactics removed, please email Brandon here and describe the intended use of the imagery. Brandon Elijah Scott will make final decision to provide you with an unadulterated file.
The act of infringing on a copyright is a very serious business and is punishable by fines and or imprisonment. Brandon has worked very hard to present you with a quality photographic experience and he kindly asks that you refrain from copying anything from the site onto your own hard drive, diskette(s), printer, tablet or device, etc. You are welcome to copy the hyperlinks to other sites found utilizing Brandon’s images (i.e. Instagram), however, he asks that you do not copy any of the graphics, photographs, or articles from this site for your own use (other than the terms stated above). Doing so is an infringement of United States and International copyright laws.